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Mindfulness and meditation course

  • Do you want to get better focus , memory and strengthen your immune system?

  • Do you want to gain access to powerful methods for dealing with stress, anxiety and restlessness while increasing your self-esteem?

  • Do you want to sleep better?

  • Do you wish to have more inner peace at work, in your relationships, especially with yourself, in your everyday life?


If you answered "YES" to the questions above, then YOU are welcome to my course in Mindfulness.

Mindfulness is a practice that teaches us to have non-judgmental awareness and to be in the moment.


Mindfulness involves focusing our attention on our experiences while learning to be aware of (but not engaging with) our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and our surroundings. Through this awareness, we can learn to react differently to our thoughts and feelings, which can enable us to change negative patterns.


Studies suggest that focusing on the present can have a positive impact on health and well-being. Mindfulness-based treatments have been shown to reduce anxiety and depression. There is also evidence that mindfulness can lower blood pressure and improve sleep. It can even help people manage pain.


Do you want to read more about mindfulness and research? read here


You will learn to meditate, to focus on the present, to take breaks, to breathe consciously, i.e. you will gain knowledge of what mindfulness is and what you can use it for. You will also be introduced to a conscious approach both to yourself and to your surroundings.


I hold mindfulness meditations 12 times a day per week. Between these meditation sessions, you will receive homework in the form of shorter meditation sessions and mindfulness exercises.




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Part 1:

Week 1:  Balance and Light

Week 2: Listen to your thoughts

Week 3: Let go and focus on your physical body.

Week 4: Positive thinking 

Week 5: The energetic impact of colours

Week 6: Levels of consciousness ​


Part 2:

Week 7: The symbols of meditation

Week 8: The Chakras

Week 9: Become aware of your emotions

Week 10: Facing yourself

Week 11: Change

Week 12: Your Origin ​ ​


Investment: SEK 2999 for 12 occasions.


Registration information When you register, you have made a declaration of interest. We will return with the date for the start of the course once we have gathered a group of participants. The course needs at least 7 registered participants to be completed. 


Day of the week and time:  ​


If you want to know more, you are most welcome to call 070-5875841 or email me I promise you will notice a big change already after the first meeting. Come just as you are, no prior knowledge needed.


Wear comfortable clothes and bring a notebook and pen. 


Warm welcome! ✨ ​


ATTENTION! If you want to use your wellness grant for the course, check with your employer what applies, because according to the Swedish Tax Agency, mindfulness and meditation are approved as wellness, but then it is up to each company to decide what is wellness or not.


Bokningar, reiki, stresshantering
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