Reiki & forskning
The Center for Reiki Research (CRR) is the first and only 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to Reiki research. The purpose of CRR is to advance the scientific awareness of Reiki by conducting quality research and providing an up-to-date archive and summary of all evidence-based Reiki research published in peer-reviewed journals. The CRR also offers guidance for researchers, practitioners and physicians who wish to conduct Reiki research.
The Center for Reiki Research conducts scientific research at all levels, from randomized controlled trials to practice-based effectiveness trials. Below are some of our current and past Reiki research projects.
Reiki for healthcare professionals affected by the pandemic.
Reiki for psychological and physical health symptoms.
Reiki for pain in knee surgery.
Remote Reiki for Chronic Pain.
Research into the effects of Reiki shows a wide range of uses. Some of the reports below are only summaries in English and the texts are also locked by the institutions that have published them. To be able to read the report in its entirety, you need to order them on the page
Here is a list of some of the studies that have been done in the area:
Evaluation of the Impacts of Reiki Touch Therapy on Patients... : Holistic Nursing Practice ( Holistic Nursing Practice, January 31, 2022
Reiki Therapy for Young Hospitalized Children Ages 1-5 Years Receiving Palliative Care (S561) – ScienceDirect Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Volume 63, Issue 5, May 2022
Reiki Therapy for Very Young Hospitalized Children Receiving Palliative Care Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nursing, Jan, 2022
The Effect of Reiki on Pain, Fatigue, and Quality of Life in Adolescents With Dysmenorrhea Holistic Nursing Practice, Nov-Dec, 2021
"Expectations and Outcomes of Choosing Reiki for Rheumatoid Arthritis" by Theresa Jimenez ( Walden Dissertations and doctoral studies, 2021
Feasibility and Effect of Reiki on the Physiology and Self-perceived Stress of Nurses in a Large US Hospital
Holistic Nursing Practice, July, 2021 -
The Effects of Reiki and Back Massage on Women's Pain and Vital Signs Post–Abdominal Hysterectomy: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Explore, July, 2021 -
Reiki as Nursing Care to People in Mental Suffering: An Integrative Review
Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 2021 -
Energy medicine treatments for hand and wrist pain: A pilot study
EXPLORE The Journal of Science & Healing, November, 2020 -
Effects of Reiki on Pain and Anxiety in Women Hospitalized for Obstetrical- and Gynecological-Related Conditions
Journal of Holistic Nursing, July, 2020 -
Reiki therapy for pain, anxiety and quality of life Dec, 2019
The Power of Reiki: Feasibility and Efficacy of Reducing Pain in Children With Cancer Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem CellTransplantation Sep/Oct 2019
Effects of Reiki Versus Physiotherapy on Relieving Lower Back Pain and Improving Activities Daily Living of Patients With Intervertebral DiscHernia Jan/Dec, 2018
Reiki is better than placebo and has broad potential as complementary health therapy Oct, 2018
The use of self-Reiki for stress reduction and relaxation Sept, 2015Reiki Brief Report: Using Reiki to Reduce Stress Levels in a Nine-Year-Old Child Jul/Aug 2014
Please read more about research on Reiki and how Reiki workshere.