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Förenade Reikiförbundet

Welcome to Holistic Wellness

For your mind, body and soul

Reiki courses, stress management, healing, wellness
Rhoely Reiki healer

Hello and welcome to my website. My name is Rhoely and I run Holistic Wellness in Norrköping which was created to help you prevent and counteract anxiety, stress and other difficulties, through the use of coaching and different energy methods. I guide you to presence and help you land in the body in the here and now.


I am a trained elementary school teacher,  Life Coach Holistic, Yinyoga teacher, nutritional advisor, mindfulness instructor, Reiki healer and Master and constellation in the family system. I work holistically, i.e. I  see health from a holistic perspective


Everything in our life is connected and influenced by each other. The physical,  emotional, psychological, spiritual, social, and psychosocial as well as the physical environment. Therefore, when someone comes to me with a problem, I try to understand the parts in relation to the whole and in this way I put my client and his ability to act in context. 

Yoga at Home

Do you need help with anxiety? Are you stuck in a job you don't like? Are you afraid of change and of letting go?

Do you suffer from lack of sleep?

Do you have body aches?

Do you often feel stressed and anxious? Having trouble relaxing?

Do you feel listless and tired? 


Then you've come to the right place!I guide you to presence and help you land in the body in the here and now.

Feel free to book an appointment with me or call me if you want to know more about how I can help you. 


Tio djupa andetag
00:00 / 06:07
Stress management, health care, healing, courses
Buddha staty

What clients Say

Rhoely ❤️

Thank you for the best gift I could get, distance healing from you and all the feelings it evoked in me. You are just created for everything you do and I am so grateful that I got to meet you.

Many thanks also for a wonderful yin yoga session ☺️ felt at home calm, nice and harmonious ☺️

Thank you for being there ❤️


what clients say


Quote of the day...

"Yoga is not a religion. It's a science of well-being, the science of youthfulness, the science of integrating body, mind and soul"

- Amit Ray

Mindfulness övning på 3 minuter

Mindfulness övning på 3 minuter

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What I do

I help you prevent and promote your health and well-being. That's why I offer you coaching talks, Yinyoga, Mindfulness meditations/exercises and Reiki healing where I use either crystals, pendulum or just my hands, in a calm environment so that you get maximum relaxation.


Reiki works from a holistic perspective, that is, it treats the whole and not certain symptoms. You may not know what has caused the symptoms, but the body knows where the energy is needed and it goes where it is needed. I, as a Reiki healer, must, according to law and from an ethical approach, not give diagnoses or give advice on which medicines one should take or not, I let the doctors decide this.

Both Reiki & Mindfulness are techniques used in healthcare to deal with anxiety, stress and depression.

tröstande Hands
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"What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Bokningar, reiki, stresshantering
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