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The 9 Attitudes of Mindfulness

Writer's picture: Rhoely HidalgoRhoely Hidalgo

Updated: Jun 10, 2021

These nine attitudes are closely related and interrelated. When we start developing one or some of these attitudes, the others will follow by themselves. Because all of these are intertwined and cannot be kept apart. Therefore, it is better to focus on only a few of them until you master these than to try to cover them all at once.

Beginners mind

Many times we let what we "know" prevent us from seeing reality as it is. This may be due to preconceptions, prejudices or that we simply in our minds live in the past. But it's about looking at and living in the present in a healthy and open way.

The term "Beginners Mind" Shoshin comes from the term, from Zen Buddhism, which means to adopt an attitude of curiosity and openness. Zen master Shunryu Suzuki expressed in his book Zen Mind: "In the mind of the beginner there are many possibilities, in the mind of the expert there are few".

To practice this attitude in daily life, every time you meet someone or end up in a certain situation, try to see them with new eyes, as it is now, every time you meet a person or a situation instead of just perceiving the reflection of your own ideas about this person or situation. Through a Beginner's Mind, we express compassion and a willingness to explore and understand our surroundings without prejudice and preconceived notions.


By being judgmental we create a filter for choosing different experiences by coloring them and distorting them, which prevents us from seeing reality as it is. There is a difference between judging and discerning: From discernment we perceive reality without adding our own limitations to it, we recognize all perspectives and take into account all opinions, but in an easy way and without engaging emotionally. This allows us to perceive a broader and wiser reality of what surrounds us.

The assessments usually create a constant marking of each situation, for example: I like it or I do not like it, good or bad, love or hate ... This gives us value in terms of survival, because it allows us to classify things and situations which we want to get closer to and those that we would rather avoid.

In order to exercise this attitude in daily life, it is important to be aware of the mind's tendency to judge and label everything and to establish a purposeful attitude of justice. Do not try to force the mind to stop judging, because "what you resist remains", but be aware of this trend and keep an open mind and an impartial attitude.


Patience is a form of wisdom. It consists of acknowledging that each thing needs its own time to develop.

Can you imagine planting a seed and immediately removing the soil to see if it started to germinate? What do you think the result would be then?

Patience also means being calm when things do not go as expected, or if we experience that they develop too slowly. Impatience is usually a symptom of a lack of confidence, in others as well as in oneself.


Acceptance is an active recognition that things are as they are, without having an emotional reaction. Reality is very stubborn, and maintaining an attitude of resistance to the reality of things is one of the biggest causes of emotional suffering, waste and loss of energy.

This does not mean that you agree or do not try to change them. But in all processes of change, it is important to know where you want to go and to know and accept the starting point, without an emotional reaction that deprives us of energy and causes us suffering.

Letting go

Letting go or giving in means that each situation can take its own course. Without fighting or without resisting the change, instead you follow it. Let go and trust the process. When we cling to something or someone we prevent ourselves from growing.

How many times do we not hold on to a situation or a feeling in everyday life that prevents us from seeing new opportunities. The emotions we cling to are the pain, the anger, the need for recognition, the feeling of being better than others ...

Nowadays, there is a lot of talk about flow, which is the same as letting go. Open our hands and release, like the sand that slides between our fingers when we open them. By learning to let go, we allow all events and people to move at their own pace, to be with us for the specified time, and, if necessary, they can continue their journey, because when we let go, we free ourselves.


To have confidence is to trust ourselves, our intuition, the subtle emotions that the body offers us. We trust that we know the difference between a friend and someone who does not like us.

Confidence in ourselves and in the world. Whatever happens we can achieve it, whatever happens we will continue to value and appreciate ourselves, whatever happens our body and our mind will be our best allies.

And the more you trust yourself, the easier it will be for you to trust the world.

Non- striving

In fact, what you want appears when you stop looking. Stop fighting reality and see things as they are.

What you resist remains. The emotions and thoughts that are repressed are precisely those that have the greatest influence on us, because they act precisely from the unconscious without us realizing it.

In your daily life, give your best in any case, enjoy the process but remove yourself from the result, without being manipulative or trying to force things on you, simply flow with the present and always do the best you can.


Gratitude was not part of the 9 attitudes of mindfulness described by Jon Kabat-Zin in his book "Full catastrophe living" (Living crises fully). Gratitude, however, is one of the most important attitudes we can cultivate in our lives.

It is the best way to protect ourselves from our constant complaints and our negative thoughts. And not just by being sincerely grateful for the present moment, but also thanking in advance for all the good things to come. Over time, even the greatest accidents make sense in the great puzzle of our lives and were not only grateful for surviving them but also for the learning they offered us.

Exercising gratitude is probably the best thing we can do for our lives and our health.


Giving generously is the best gift of all. The main language of the universe is exchange. Where there is no exchange, there can be no life or dynamism and generosity is the best attitude in the two parts of the exchange, to give and receive.

In everyday life, generosity refers to a warm and friendly attitude in both giving and receiving.

This was a bit about the 9 mindfulness attitudes for a more conscious life, choose a couple of them and start practicing right away ... If you want to know more about how I can help you bring mindfulness into your life, call me or send an SMS. Otherwise, it is perfectly possible to book by mail If you like this post feel free to share so that more people can take part in this info. Thank you very much and Namaste.

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